The Extravagant Lovers ~ Venus and Mars in Leo
Venus is in the final degrees of Cancer, but before she crosses the border into Leo she may leave a parting gift. The Moon conjoins Pluto in Capricorn and then together they oppose Venus, elevating and intensifying themes of family, commitment, responsibility, nurturing your loved ones, supporting friendships and your social circle. The relationships you invest in now will flower and bear fruit in six months. Let me explain.
Consider the qualities of Cancer, temple of the Moon, which Venus embodies while in this sign. She is maternal, kindhearted and nurturing, a little bit vulnerable, naive or sentimental. Nesting, nourishment and protection are her priorities. She will adopt lame ducks, take care of those in need, befriend the lonely, cook for the hungry and nurse the sick. She knows exactly what you need to feel better.
When Venus crosses paths with Pluto something is triggered, a door opens, there is an invitation to enter, a choice is offered. Pluto, Lord of Darkness and Transformation-by-fire may wish to become involved in relationships that start now, so consider carefully if this is what you really want. If you step through this portal there is no going back.
I bring this up because when Venus opposes Pluto, she also opposes the degree of her next retrograde. The Venus retrograde cycle is potent enough, but conjunct Pluto (at 26 degrees Capricorn on 20 December 2021) it is a tinderbox of emotion. Venus retrograde is part of a process, a pattern, a deepening and intensification of relationships of all kinds. It can be highly potent, intoxicating, visceral and transformative, but we can learn more about ourselves in this process than we can learn any other way. Our current and existing connections and relationships have within them these seeds of transformation.
Venus enters Leo, the temple of the Sun, on the 27 June and conjoins Mars on 12 July. Relationships everywhere will blossom in the glorious sunshine of Leo. Leo is the most ardent, romantic and passionate sign of the zodiac, a fitting abode for the liaison between these archetypal lovers. The fixed-fire quality of Leo and the opposition from Saturn in Aquarius suggest a serious long-term commitment.
This could be the season of the celebrity couple. Venus has quite different qualities in the house of Leo. This is a goddess with claws, unlike the tender nippers of the crab. She knows what she wants, she is generous and warm hearted as a friend or lover providing she gets all the attention. Then the conjunction with Mars turns the heat up even further. There is something extravagant, opulent and impressive about this spectacle, like a wedding with all the frills.
Venus and Mars are aligned again in February 2022 but this time the mood will be much more sober.
Photo: Andrea Brataas — Unsplash