Black and white photo of a magnificent, old pine tree.
A magnificent, old pine tree in our local forest. Our local networks and resources are more important than ever. Photo by Anna Marie.

New Moon Partial Eclipse in Scorpio with Venus Cazimi

Anna Marie ~ Astrologer
6 min readOct 25, 2022


The most significant celestial events of the year are occurring over the next fortnight. It is not only the start of eclipse season, but there are a cluster of other alignments that mark this as a time of change and evolution. Let me describe the situation, then you can draw your own conclusions. Remember to check your chart to see how it will affect you.

The Venus and Sun conjunction, called the Cazimi, begins on 20 October, perfects on Sunday 23 October at 29 degrees, 28 minutes, and lasts through to the following Wednesday. The Sun and Venus leave Libra and enter Scorpio simultaneously, followed by the partial solar eclipse on the 25 October, near midnight NZT, at 2 degrees Scorpio.

It is magical to see the Venus Cazimi at the same degree as the new moon eclipse, surely a powerful omen for the closing of a new cycle and the dawn of a new one. So what can it tell us? What does it foretell?

Foremost is the new Moon eclipse echoing events from the previous season last April and May across the Taurus-Scorpio axis. We have certainly been seeing the pressure on resources, energy, food and financial markets, as well as tensions in diplomatic relationships.

Here in NZ we have been seeing more protests by farmers alongside counter-protests from environmental groups. Fresh produce, meat and dairy has priced itself off the table for average households, inflation is tanking. All of this was predicted by astrologers earlier in the year.

These themes are likely to develop and evolve its we move toward the full Moon coming up in two weeks. I hope it will point the way forward with more clarity and certainty.

The potent Venus Cazimi in Libra just prior to the new Moon intensifies the anticipation. I feel like we are collectively holding our breath, waiting for history to turn the page.

This is an empowered Goddess, on the king’s throne, symbolically with all the power and light of the Sun supporting her, yet she is invisible in the night sky. See my previous blog about the symbolism of the Cazimi and also the groundbreaking work of Arielle Gutman on the Venus Star Points.

There are four main reasons why is this such a potent Cazimi:

  1. It is the first Venus Star Point occurring in Libra in our lifetime. The Venus Star Point has ingressed from Scorpio into Libra as it moves clockwise through the zodiac. We may see a Venusian statement on Libra themes such as justice, law, equality, fairness, beauty, the arts, and the sacred feminine.
  2. It falls on the anaretic degree, the final degree of a sign, the degree of Mars. This is an active, even aggressive position, with portents of violence and force.
  3. The conjunction perfects in square to Pluto. Libra and Capricorn are cardinal signs. This strong inception energy ignites a spark. Something is birthing out of the chaos and creativity of the Cazimi. Pluto and Venus is about Desire: We can be purified and healed in the fire of desire, or we can be burnt up in the flames of our own destruction. Sometimes both. Our deepest, most intense desires can sweep us away. They are painful and yet they are sacred and transformative because they teach us how to heal and grow.
  4. The Cazimi is the prelude to the new Moon eclipse in Scorpio, so it will clear the path and help to open the gate for change and renewal.

The beginning of a new cycle is buried deep within the ending of the old cycle, and as we know from things that happen around eclipse season, it may be some time before we fully understand the impact of what we are witness to. Unforeseen consequences evolve down the track. On the surface it may seem quiet, but powerful subterranean forces are shifting.


As Venus and the Sun ingress out of Libra into Scorpio to be joined by the Moon on the 25 October the power dynamic shifts from Venus to Mars. Scorpio is the Mars-ruled, feminine water sign, with a reputation for intensity. For the next two weeks as we transit through eclipse season Scorpio themes will show up on the stage. Note that Venus is in detriment and under the beams as she gradually moves out of the Cazimi. A very unhappy Goddess.

Scorpio, the sign of the Scorpion, is highly protective, resilient and alert to danger. It is sensitive and intuitive, yet fearless in the face of a threat. More than any other sign, Scorpio is acutely aware of our mortality and our vulnerability.

In ancient myth it was the Scorpion that helped Gaia. It is a creature sacred to the Earth Goddess and is related also to the snake, the eagle and the phoenix.

Here is a version of that story:

Orion, who was the son of Poseidon and Euryale, was a gigantic, brutish man, and yet was said to be the most handsome man to walk the earth.

Orion and Artemis were hunting partners. Orion was a great hunter, but was proud and boastful. One day he bragged that he could kill any animal he wanted, which annoyed Gaia, the mother of all creatures.

Artemis’ brother, the god Apollo, became jealous of him. He went to the goddess Gaia and asked her to create a giant scorpion to kill Orion. Gaia was only too happy to oblige.

Orion was mighty indeed, but he could not defeat the scorpion. He was stung on the heel, and died a slow, painful death. Zeus placed both of them in the heavens, immortalising them forever as a constellation.

Scorpius is one of the largest constellations and is located between Libra and Sagittarius. The bright star, Antares, is the Scorpion’s heart.

Stories of scorpions, and myths of scorpion gods, are thousands of years old, and were common among the oldest cultures of ancient Egypt and Sumeria. This tiny, but deadly creature remains a potent symbol for themes of death and renewal.

Mars, Mercury and Saturn

The air signs are also very active, with Scorpio’s domicile Lord, Mars stationing retrograde in Gemini and forming a hard angle to Neptune, with trines to Mercury and Saturn, who is now direct. I wrote a bit about Mars and Neptune, and Mars retrograde, in my previous blog.

Mercury, Mars and Saturn in an Air grand trine signifies the care, consideration and planning behind the fire and brimstone of the Scorpio stellium. Mars in Gemini is especially concerned with planning and strategy, but not with progress or action.

The previous Mars retrograde was in Aries in 2020 and was notable for the empty roads and people working either at home or not at all. While I am not suggesting we will experience this again as there were other factors at play, we could see a similar slow-down in Gemini themes such as media, information, commerce, trade, and travel.

However the flow of information looks busy with both Mercury and Saturn in air signs at helpful angles. Mercury in Libra suggests talks, agreements, diplomacy and mediation. Solutions and fresh thinking on justice, law and ethics are persistent and important. Eyes are on International law in particular.

Saturn in Aquarius is reminding us where we were last year and the sacrifices we made for social justice and the greater good in the form of mandates. We trust science but not governments and with Mars and Neptune at an odd angle for some time yet, we are still not so sure what is real and what isn’t.

These air signs activating Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Venus, brings our attention to our individual freedoms in contrast to the greater good. Aquarius is extremely ideological and political. What are our rights? And should we give them up for the good of the community? Or should we fight for them and push for change? Do we even believe in these old traditions anymore?

Mercury squares Pluto and moves into Scorpio as Mars turns retrograde, at the end of the month. There is much to think about and much to discover. We are digging deeper for answers. Searching for hidden truth, mining data, gold nuggets and buried treasure.

The Gemini Mars is practical, intelligent and adaptable. Networks and relationships are key to getting through unexpected disruptions. We should value our community resources and the people that support us because we are relying on them more than ever.

Forgiveness, compassion and understanding are the three key ingredients in this ethical salad, out of the chaos of now and looking ahead to Saturn’s ingress into Pisces next March. And when it comes to so-called reality, let’s keep and open mind.

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Anna Marie ~ Astrologer

I have studied Astrology, Classics, Literature, Art and Philosophy all my life. Astrology is a divine oracle and speaks the language of the soul.