New Moon in Virgo

Anna Marie ~ Astrologer
4 min readAug 26, 2022


Photo: Sharon Pittaway ~ Unsplash

8.17 PM NZT

It’s the beginning of Virgo season, which for me here in the South Island of New Zealand means spring. Lambs and daffodils always make me think of Virgo. However Virgo is traditionally the harvest maiden who symbolised the late summer and into autumn abundance of the northern hemisphere.

Either way, a Virgo new Moon is beautiful goddess energy, opening a portal for our appreciation and devotion. Whatever storms are raging around you, take a moment to put some flowers on the alter of your temple (this could be a metaphorical one of course), give thanks, and set an intention to create beauty and wellbeing. Even if it is only the thoughts you think.

Actually with Virgo, which is Mercury’s domicile, and considering the hard square from Mars in Gemini, mental hygiene is a an appropriate theme. A meditation practice is ideal, but if not, at least be aware of your trains of thought, and where they are taking you.

The reason I mention this is because there is potentially too much fear and worry generated from this configuration. If you are like me and have a habit of indulging your obsessive brain, this new Moon could set it off. Meditation really helped me calm my thoughts, slow them down and think with focus, clarity and intention.

Virgo has a reputation for focusing on details, to fret about them and then get panicky when things are not as organised or as perfect as anticipated. I am doing it now (Virgo rules my fourth house) worrying about things that are nothing to do with me. Try clearing away the debris of your mind, the clutter and confusion, allowing your thoughts to flow naturally, gently, lightly. Focus your attention on what brings you joy. Nurture that feeling for some extra soul medicine.

There is adversity in this tight angle with Mars. Perhaps it’s unavoidable, but it can bring forth the changes you have been working towards. It is across mutable signs so those changes are not likely to be all that difficult once you get going, they may even be planned. If so push forward with confidence after the new Moon.

Mars and the new Moon square is activating Gemini and Mercury themes relating trade and finance, truth, social media, fake news, conspiracies, propaganda, cyber wars, data and information storage. If you haven’t already you can check out my Mars post from last week.

Proof reading and fact-checking is essential also, for those of you who care about the truth of what you are authoring.

Mercury, the domicile ruler of Mars in Gemini has just moved into Libra. It is a peace-keeping Mercury, and is helping with meetings, diplomacy, mediation, fairness, harmony and equality. Mercury will station and retrograde about 9 September, on the full Moon, just after opposing Jupiter. Jupiter and Mercury want us to find common ground, however the retrograde seems to suggest we will have to wait. I will be exploring this further in my next blog about the full Moon in Pisces in two weeks.

The Moon’s trine to Uranus and the north node in Taurus is also helping us see where we can line up with our purpose. The north node is like a sign post saying go in the direction Uranus is pointing. These Uranus/Taurus themes of resources and money, will be showing up with more urgency through to the November eclipse season, as it builds intensity towards the square aspect with Saturn. We have all been living with this off and on for the last three years.

Venus in Leo is perfecting an opposition to Saturn. This a condition of maltreatment in Hellenistic astrology. It offers little in the way of good news. This is a very unhappy goddess. As she is receiving Uranus, the north node and Mercury in her home signs, we are more than likely seeing hardship and austerity, harsh words, more responsibility and effort, especially in our friendships, alliances and close partnerships. Our precious relationships are where we need to channel our love and support.

Venus is separating from a square to Uranus, effectively moving through a grand square in fixed signs. As this is a degree-based grand square involving the nodes, Uranus and Saturn we are back to these themes of authenticity and freedom, loyalty and commitment, rules, laws and mandates, our responsibilities to others.

This is a fixed sign cross, meaning that we should be happy with baby steps, as the giant leaps, the radical, sudden changes, will be too drastic, painful and disruptive. I think we have enough of that to deal with at present.

For more, visit my website



Anna Marie ~ Astrologer

I have studied Astrology, Classics, Literature, Art and Philosophy all my life. Astrology is a divine oracle and speaks the language of the soul.