New Moon in Libra

Anna Marie ~ Astrologer
5 min readSep 26, 2022


Spring flowers in jar on my window sill. Simple pleasures, natural beauty.

10.54 AM NZT

It’s the autumn equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the spring equinox here in the Southern Hemisphere, the turning of the seasons, where everything seems to pause for a moment, suspended in equilibrium. We prepare for change, yet we are not quite ready to turn the page. In this new moon chart the luminaries are engaged in a tight opposition to Jupiter and the domicile ruler, Venus, is herself embroiled in a relationship with Mercury (who is retrograde), opposes Neptune and is in her fall, Virgo. The theme is relationships and the way we communicate. The symbolism is striking, just in these two sets of oppositions. Let’s look more closely at what this could mean for you.

The Sun and Moon in Libra is itself symbolic of the harmony, unity and balance between these archetypal pairs; day and night, light and dark, spirit and matter, the King and the Queen, the divine pair in alchemy. It has the feeling of a new aesthetic about to be unveiled, a lovely clean slate or blank canvas about to be transformed. With Jupiter opposing it could be bold and messy, wild and free. Artistic or entrepreneurial projects could benefit from a fresh approach, something totally new and outlandish. Focus your intention, prepare the ground.

So the tension in this new Moon could bring in some creative chaos, or relationship chaos. The surface prettiness of Libra is nice but unsatisfying on a deeper soul level. While appearances matter on occasion, something below the surface wants to mess it up, or make a scene, like the drunk uncle at a wedding who passes out under the rose bush. It could be amusing and entertaining, if you can be less fussy about what is polite behaviour. Or fair. Libra is keen on policing social etiquette.

The other story unfolding here is about fairness and equality in relationships. If we have an ideal, a sacred dream in our hearts of the perfect relationship, it may almost seem within our grasp, if it were not for that one ugly blemish. The one fault or missing virtue that represents the beautiful ideal, the longed-for love that cannot be compromised.

Venus is separating from the square to Mars in Gemini. You can read my blog post about Mars in Gemini here. They have both been in Mercury’s signs, at odds with each other, intelligent, but not all that conversational. Like going on a date that was flirtatious but somehow awkward, the flow of communication blocked, banter that falls flat. Definitely an attraction there, between these erstwhile lovers, but Venus was slightly disappointed, or failed to be impressed. Mars was loud and chatty. She was critical and fussy. Somehow though it will work out. So what’s going on with your inner lovers?

Why is Venus in her fall in Virgo? The conceptual doctrines of Hellenistic Astrology made Venus exalted in Pisces, where she could be her most beautiful, graceful, glamorous and compassionate. In her Virgo, she is more earthy, more natural and more practical. And less receptive, because Virgo is humble and helpful. Virgo is a giver. Also Venus is under the beams, too close to the Sun to be happy. She is hot and flustered, and feeling unwell. Soon she will move into her own domicile Libra, which will offer some shade from the heat of the Sun. She will strengthen the love and the beauty, and then she gradually disappears from the night skies to conjunct the Sun at the end of October.

Right now she is supported by a strong Mercury, in domicile and exaltation in Virgo. Symbolically Mercury is the psychopomp; her friend and guide on her journey into the dark depths of the underworld. This is autumn symbolism, the story of birth, life, death, and renewal. I find this image reassuring, that we will find a way to prune off the dead wood, to release and let go of our mental and emotional detritus, to find beauty in simplicity and order.

If we are lucky we will see clearly how our romantic ideals have gone stale. At worst the bitter taste of disappointment, longing for the unattainable or inappropriate, a nostalgic poem, limerence, ennui and general lovesickness.

Why lucky you ask? Because the toxic narratives become conscious and transform into something life affirming, healing and medicinal. Once you have shed the saved-up tears, you will feel pure and perfect, warts and all. Accept what is, and love that with all your heart.

Venus will ingress into her own sign, her own temple on 30 September, which will pave the way for more harmonious and improved relationships, more beauty, balance, equality, peace and joy. More fairness in agreements and more advantageous arrangements. Mercury has been working hard behind the scenes to broker a deal.

Before Venus leaves Virgo, she will trine Pluto, while Mercury is in a loose opposition to Neptune as it stations direct. The story is still unfolding, it is complex and full of doubt, confusion and misinformation. Neptune and Mercury opposed has delusion written all over it. But it is also beautiful and poetic. It is a poetic mirage.

We have this big, fluffy cake that everyone loves, made of air and sugar. When you bite into it, it evaporates and dissolves. It’s called Pavlova. This aspect looks like pavlova to me. Delicious and delicate but without substance.

If you are making cake, designing a garden, a new abode, a temple or a work of art, you will love this transit of Venus, and the Mercurial aspects, from Neptune, Pluto and Jupiter (yet again), from now into the middle of October. This diminutive trickster is very busy organising and arranging. There is dialogue, diplomacy, agreements, conversations, speeches and declarations, and truth mixed with fiction. Media, communications, hands, ears, arms and legs.

We are offered a chance to see things differently, we may not feel the same way or we changed our minds, again. We have a chance to put our egos to one side, to listen, to forgive, to ask for help, to say sorry, to say thank you.

The square between Saturn and Uranus is still grinding on in the back ground. During the first two weeks of October they have their final good-bye kiss. They don’t cross paths this time, they meet again, then they go their separate ways, these mighty gods of destruction and chaos. They were the stars of the 2021 year of craziness, their on-off, off-on square driving the turmoil of that long year. The world looks different now. It may never be the same. Are you ready for this last hurrah?

Mars in Gemini is at a very helpful angle to Saturn so it looks like we have got plenty to do building a new and better world.



Anna Marie ~ Astrologer

I have studied Astrology, Classics, Literature, Art and Philosophy all my life. Astrology is a divine oracle and speaks the language of the soul.