New Moon in Cancer

Anna Marie ~ Astrologer
4 min readJun 28, 2022
Castle Point, New Zealand; Long walks with my dog Echo helps me ground some of the intense Mars energy. Photo by Anna Marie.

29 JUNE 2022
2.50 PM NZT

This is the first new moon following the Sun’s ingress into Cancer and the Solstice, the return of the light of the Sun in the southern hemisphere. Northern or southern, you may sense the turning of the seasons. It feels like the depths of winter to me, and the lovely Cancer Moon is telling me to snuggle up, make soup, bake bread and take up knitting (I said no to the knitting). If I was younger I would be nesting, and actually this is a very nice time to conceive or plant other kinds of seeds for long term gestation.

The Cancer vibe is a warm embrace, a hot bath, rain on the roof and clean sheets. Attending to the nourishment of body and soul is called for. Cancer themes also include kindness and inclusivity, taking care of family relationships, visualising and manifesting your ideal version of home, checking in with your ancestral roots or all of these. Now is the time for these.


However, the rest of the new moon chart is not supporting these themes. Jupiter perfects a hard angle to the Sun and Moon from Aries, seemingly with the intention to disrupt the peace and tranquility of this space. Jupiter is loud, demanding, messy and impossible to ignore. Maybe like a three-year-old after a bit too much sugar, a drunken ex, or a herd of wild horses in your lounge. Otherwise this is a thrilling, adventurous angle for exploring, traveling and discovering. Get out there.

Venus and Mercury

Venus and Mercury in Gemini also encourages getting out of your comfort zone. They are flirtatious, fluffy, curious, sociable and a little bit giddy. Chase up anything that looks fun, silly and amusing on your social calendar. Gemini is also lord of brothers and sisters, information, social media and the printed word (including this blog post), and I like the way these two stars are promoting variety, diversity and more beauty in your interactions with others. They are also loosely sextile Jupiter and Mars in Aries, which has the potential to spark new creative projects, alliances, collaborations and helpful friendships, the more daring the better.

Saturn and Mars

The sextile between Saturn and Mars is helpful for getting jobs done, especially the ones you have been procrastination on, the ones around the house. Suddenly they don’t seem so onerous, you have more stamina than usual or it turns out to be much easier than anticipated.

This is a great opportunity if you can compartmentalise your work, home and social life or somehow organise them better. Mars in Aries is strident and passionate, but Saturn is requiring Mars to slow down, do things properly and get all those half-done projects finished off.

Pluto and Mars

Mars is perfecting a hard angle to Pluto, adding a powerful configuration of the new Moon. Mars moves onto the square on Saturday July 2nd NZT, intensifies in the anaretic degrees of Aries (the most Marsy of the Mars part of the zodiac), then ingresses into Taurus a few days later. This is a potentially explosive, angry or violent transit. It is Mars at his most reactionary, whether this is your own frustration boiling over or someone you know having a melt-down.

As Mars moves closer to the square with Pluto the Moon moves into a T-Sqaure, triggering intense feelings, turmoil and inner tension. If you have any connections to the cardinal cross (27 degrees Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Libra), you may feel it as a seething rage or a release of energy, or both. Like lava being forced out of a volcano, this energy requires an outlet.

It is volcanic, nuclear and purgative. You may already see it coming in the form of an angry person you know, or situation that has the potential to suddenly blow up. This is not easy energy to manage. Put some health and safety flags around this date in your diary, 30 June to 1 July NZT.

Things will calm down into the second quarter, a little more than a week after the new Moon. Mars has moved into placid Taurus, ruled by Venus, who is quite happy in friendly, sociable Gemini. Mercury is in Cancer and will square Jupiter, so there is likely to be very fruitful dialogue in the realms of home, family and women’s rights (just thought I should mention that). The voice of the people will be heard.

The next full Moon on 14 July in Cancer is close to an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. There is more work to do it seems, relating to the Pluto processes that came up under the new Moon.

In earthy Capricorn it may mean an excavation of internal artefacts; those fears and fixations you no longer need or want, an archaeological dig, unearthing more buried treasure, or dead things from history that could reveal the hidden secrets of your true self.

Pluto processes, like phoenix themes in general, are not the nicest or easiest, but are necessary for our soul growth. I will talk about this in more detail in my next blog in two weeks.

Read more on my website or get in touch ~



Anna Marie ~ Astrologer

I have studied Astrology, Classics, Literature, Art and Philosophy all my life. Astrology is a divine oracle and speaks the language of the soul.