Mars Retrograde in Gemini

Anna Marie ~ Astrologer
10 min readAug 18, 2022



We have a very interesting Mars cycle coming up, starting with its ingress into Gemini on 20 August followed by its retrograde. The Mars retrograde occurs every 26 months, roughly 2 years. The energy of the retrograde usually involves an intensification of Mars themes around the stationing degrees, then a slowing of momentum, a lack of motivation, tiredness, frustration, or having to re-do or go back and do something over again, or offering you a second chance at something.

Do you know your rising sign? Scroll down to read what part of your life Mars will activate.

Mars themes relate to energy, especially masculine energy, our drives, motivation and desire to get things done. Often it can represent work and effort, cars and driving, men or masculine type characters in your life. It can also be anger and aggression, war and fighting, conflict and discord.

This entire Mars retrograde cycle occurs within Gemini. Gemini is an air sign so Mars will filter his energy through the intellect, triggering whatever aspects he makes to other planets and planets in your personal chart during the transit cycle.

Some general themes could include; social media such as scams and fraud, news media relating to truth and the freedom of speech, tech projects especially those relating to communications such as phones, travel and transportation could be affected. On the world stage we might see the weaponisation of the internet and its related gadgets, like phones and laptops. We may witness more cyber attacks and info wars.

Traditionally Mars is the warrior archetype, but in Gemini he is more likely to wield a pen than a sword. A key-board warrior perhaps? He is certainly more clever, cunning and strategic than normal. More of an officer than a soldier, and perhaps is not so keen to get his hands dirty. Do you know anyone like this? Keep an eye on him!

Gemini is a very busy, sociable sign and best expresses itself through practical ideas. So we are likely to be running around trying to keep up with our normal tasks. There could be quite a contrast when Mars stations and retrogrades. Up until then we might have more opportunities come our way, with multiple projects on the go, then it might slow down to a trickle or we have to push pause for some reason.

It’s interesting to note that the last Mars retrograde was in Aires in September 2020. Many of us were in and out of lock-down, unable to go to work or having to work remotely. Others had to completely revise the work they did, as businesses shut down, travel was completely halted, and the virus related tiredness and exhaustion took a toll on many. This was perhaps a more dramatic Mars retrograde because it was in its home domicile, so this next one in Mercury-ruled Gemini is unlikely to be quite so extreme. Also there are some helpful angles from Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter along the way.

I have written up for you a brief synopsis of Mars through the houses, so you can get an idea of what to expect in your personal life. If you don’t know, through the houses means check where Gemini is in your chart, relative to your Ascendent (rising sign). What house is it in?

If you don’t know your birth time or where your rising sign is, use your sun sign. Astrology is much more fun if you have a copy of your chart to work off.

Mark these dates in your diary.

Note these dates are NZT and are approximate.
Allow a day or so either side for other countries.


The stationing degrees are:


This house represents your neighbourhood, neighbours, siblings and cousins. It is also related to writing and communications so you could find yourself talking on the phone or zooming more than usual. Lots of short trips, working locally or working remotely is likely during the retrograde part of the cycle. Mars is your chart ruler, so you could be much more busy than usual, you may be away often, or have to go back to redo something. You are very likely to be talking more, or speaking with more urgency, volume and intensity, however during the retrograde part of the cycle you could find your normal channels are blocked. It seems especially important that you communicate with care as there is potential for deception, such as identity theft, scammers and fraudsters, to be on the alert for.

Financials! There may be a change in income streams somewhere during this cycle. Money flows in and out very quickly, and care is needed with large transactions or purchases, especially those relating to cars, travel, or mobility. Check that you have the correct info, or get another opinion on the paper work. Expenses could be larger than expected or you may have to wait for a refund. You might also be looking at new income opportunities or job offers, or be busy with a new clients. However during the retrograde part of the cycle you may not be earning at all.

With Mars transiting your first house and Ascendant you can expect to be very busy. Even when Mars stations and returns over old ground, you may find you have to double-down on your work load. You may have a new man in your life, a new friend or ally, to help you get something done. Burnout could be a very real possibility, as well as accidents involving travel, vehicles, fire or sharp things, so please take care and try to slow down. Mars is applying very intense energy to your body and personal wellbeing. When the stations occur, you may have to prioritise your health, both mental and physical health. Actually this is a great time to take a break.

This could be a well-earned sabbatical, or some much needed self-care, such as a health or spiritual retreat. Are you recovering from surgery? You will need to give yourself much more time for rest and recuperation than you anticipate. Be willing to to do this for yourself. It may be you that is returning to a favourite, quiet place, or something lost, but not forgotten, returns to you. Perhaps a pet? Are you making a sacrifice for something or someone close to your heart? This seems to be a period of deep, soulful rest and healing. You are preparing for when Mars enters your first house in March 2023. You may be undertaking a lone project, one that needs time to gestate, ferment and mature, before you are ready to move forward.

You always have a diverse network of friends and allies so this cycle may simply mean more so. Or maybe there is someone in particular? more of a partner-collaboration? Or you may be the project manager for some kind of group endeavour. How you lead and communicate becomes immensely important, especially around the time of the stations, with clever solutions required in human resources and diplomacy. You could also be travelling, either by road or abroad, so be aware that there are likely to be delays or interruptions beyond your control. Likewise if you depend on technology for your work, pay particular attention to back-ups and contingencies as projects can grind to halt as result of comms issues. Would it be the end of the world if your project stalls?

You are typically the ones devoted to your work, especially in the domain of health and healing, so with Mars in the career area of your chart you can expect to be focused on getting ahead. This is an angular, dynamic position for Mars. You could find yourself speaking publicly, or putting yourself forward for recommendations or recognition. Others may be looking at a complete change, one where it may take some time to find your footing. This could be an extremely challenging period for you. At the most negative end of the scale you may have to deal with jealousy or rivalry in the work place or public sphere, dominating colleagues or divergent opinions. Tread carefully as this could turn out to be a long winded process and it is all taking place in the public domain. For those of you who manage financials, either professionally, or for your partner, pay particular attention to how the data is managed, take care of your reputation and safeguard the information that you receive.

This is your area of overseas travel, learning and teaching. With Mars activating this part of your life, you might even be planning to combine all of these topics. Perhaps you are a member of an academic institution? In which case you can look forward to more opportunities or increased demand from off-shore. If you are enrolled in a degree programme you can expect more work, intensity and focus here. Your biggest challenge will be pulling together a diversity of options into a wholistic approach to knowledge and information. Are you getting drawn into a legal scenario where you will take the role of the peacekeeper or mediator? Be prepared to see it through until March 2023 and likewise with your travel arrangements, which could be postponed. Mars rules your relationship and money houses, so if none of this seems likely perhaps it relates more to your partner? Or even for some of you a potential partner, someone exotic or living overseas. If you are expecting funds from overseas care is needed and delays are likely.

This may be an uneasy cycle for you, and it comes with financial cautions also. Are you investigating or researching a project? Mars is your ascendant ruler so its likely you will feel a need to slow down, possibly because there are some health issues to deal with. However the retrograde may mean something has been held up, slowed down or delayed because of funding or financial issues, such a debt you have to repay or you are waiting for money owed to you. You may be looking at fundamental changes to your work situation such as less hours or a new location, which will make it easer for you in the long run. Be ready to ask for more time until you get a clear picture of how to move forward. This house is often concerned with financials; debts, insurance, partner’s income, property and mortgages, inheritance, and royalties. You may have to rely on your partner for support. Be especially careful of offers that are not backed up by solid evidence as this is not a good time to take people at their word.

Relationships! The men in your life come and go, but if you have someone special in mind this on-off energy may certainly spice things up somewhat. Traditionally, however this is the house of enemies because of the oppositional nature of the aspect, and with Mars here, it could become combative. Also it is angular, meaning it is triggering and dynamic. It could show up as antagonistic, angry people, provocative situations where you are forced to stand up for yourself, or just more arguments than normal. Or it could mean all out war. Choose your battles wisely as your opponent is wily, cunning and not all that honest. Conflict over differing opinions and ways of doing things are certainly likely. You may need time out from your relationship, or some help finding better ways to communicate.

This is the house of health. It is very likely you will be taking some well deserved time off between the Mars stations. However on either side of that there is pressure and stress, both physically and mentally. If you are in the middle of something that requires yet more diligence and persistence, you will need to find a way to take a break and look after yourself. Burnout is a very real possibility, especially if you work in the service sector, or you have unresolved or chronic health conditions needing attention. Traditionally this is the house of accidents also, so please be especially careful. You are the ones that exalt Mars, using this hot energy in resourceful and productive ways. However the retrograde 6H pattern seems to be asking you to slow down. Would that be too difficult?

The fifth house is the place of children, friends and the things you love to do. A fun, interesting person could show up in your life and draw you out of the shell you have been hiding in lately. It could be romantic, it could be a child or young person, or it could even be a collaboration with a colleague or work mate, or your very own passion project. It is a lovely happy angle for this cycle. Mars also has links to your career, reputation, travel and communications. Be aware that when the retrograde starts, things may not be as straight forward as you want it to be. Some things cannot be rushed and if you can allow more time, it will all turn out well.

You are on the mutable cross and angular to this Mars transit. It is in the fourth house of home and family. Are you moving house? Otherwise you could be renovating or improving in some way, working from home or dealing with some changes to your family dynamics. Is there a male family member in your household? Perhaps someone is visiting from overseas? It might be you that is planning international travel? You might be away from home or exploring career opportunities abroad. This cycle could end up being disruptive to your normal routines especially between the retrograde dates. It looks chaotic, with someone coming and going, or a half-finished project requiring clever solutions to move them forward. Mars has links to your financial house too, so particular care and patience will be needed in this area.



Anna Marie ~ Astrologer

I have studied Astrology, Classics, Literature, Art and Philosophy all my life. Astrology is a divine oracle and speaks the language of the soul.