Full Moon in Pisces

Anna Marie ~ Astrologer
4 min readSep 9, 2022


The wilderness trail where I walk most days with my dog, Echo. Connecting to nature, and soul.


This full Moon is the culmination of the Virgo themes we talked about in my last blog; conscious awareness of what we are thinking, and releasing obsessive or self-critical patterns, or unnecessary worry. The less you fixate your thoughts, the more possibilities you will see. One door closes, another opens. This remains relevant for some time yet, as Mercury, lord of this lunation will be retrograding back into Virgo, his favourite house, and we may find ourselves revisiting these themes over and over.

Mercury is the star to watch, as it is also in charge of this unusual Mars cycle. The mutable signs — Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius, are in the spotlight.

Relationships are likely to be where the tension between Pisces and Virgo shows up. I know it’s a cliche, but it’s a true one; there is this perfect couple, but one is messy, the other is clean and tidy, one is a dreamer and the other is practical, one likes drinking the other one wants to detox. It often turns out what we love most in another is also the thing that annoys us the most.

The Moon and Neptune

The Moon joins Neptune in a romantic embrace, just after the full moon, helping us express ourselves in more compassionate and creative ways, or offering an opportunity to release some of those festering fears and frustrations. Neptune in Pisces is very active now too. It would not surprise me to see a big Moon with a soft, fuzzy ring around it, perhaps bringing some rain near to you, a rainbow, gorgeous clouds, or someone beautiful and glamourous. Hopefully no flooding, but there is plenty of water. Do have a bath or a swim, or find some other lovely way to immerse yourself.

In this way we can embody what is most positive about Virgo and bathe more deeply in the healing balm of this Moon. We all know by now how stress and worry can impact our health, and it should be more obvious to you than ever, that it achieves nothing at all.

Mars and Mercury

Mars is slowing down in Gemini, to station and retrograde at the end of October. We are getting ready. With Mercury, the ruler of this sign retrograde from 11 September, you may also feel like slowing down. But it is not that easy. There is quite a bit of momentum with Mars in a sign that is mobile and busy, so if you find that you have more than usual on your plate this is why. Virgo and Gemini people this might be you.

Too many balls in the air at once, too much going on. Mars in Gemini loves multitasking, but be aware this transit is in progress for about another seven months. Slow and steady wins the race. The faster you go, the less you will accomplish, like the turtle and hare, in the longer term anyway.

If you are travelling, particular care is needed with planning your itinerary and your bookings. It might be a good idea to invest in insurance. Otherwise the timing is perfect for escaping from your normal routine, getting off the beaten track, trying something new and different. New perspectives are offered, a chance to see things differently. Take care of your mental health with a much needed break.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury stations in Libra roughly opposite Jupiter in Aries and trine to Mars in Gemini (although it never quite perfects). This is an intensification of these signs and their archetypes; fire and air, creativity, imagination, the arts and communication, the flow of ideas and information. I just heard Rick Levine describing it as “pregnant with potential” which is a nice way of saying things need time to develop and grow. Extend your schedule if you have one, and you will benefit from seeing things unfold in more interesting ways.

Why interesting?

Looking ahead a bit, Mercury will move back into Virgo just before the next new Moon, following its cazimi, and right on the cusp of Libra. New information comes to light as we move further into October, with Mercury as the morning star in Virgo and opposing Neptune again. This is a highly symbolic Mercury moment; Mercury, as the herald of the King (the Sun), has an announcement to make, cue angelic trumpets. This is news about money, about a relationship, agreement, or proposal. Maybe legal matters.

But things will not make sense yet, your vision is blurry or you are not able to focus your attention for long. Do you keep a dream journal? There may be something profound or prophetic emerging from these alignments.

During the waning third quarter, the Moon moves through Aries, Taurus and Gemini, activating these themes. The week following the full Moon sets off the Saturn-Uranus square, which is now very close, and then through Gemini, activating Mars and the mutable signs.

Busy going around in circles. I am seeing an image of someone lost, and in a panic comes full circle back to where they started. Best to sit and admire the view for a while. Then ask; are you really lost?

More on my website heartnsoulastrology.com



Anna Marie ~ Astrologer

I have studied Astrology, Classics, Literature, Art and Philosophy all my life. Astrology is a divine oracle and speaks the language of the soul.