Anna Marie
7 min readMay 16, 2022


A Blood Moon ~ a spooky full Moon eclipse in Scorpio. Photo by Tandem Visuals, Unsplash.

There is a complex set of alignments surrounding this potent full moon, a lunar eclipse in Scorpio. This is a total lunar eclipse, traditionally called a Blood Moon, a phenomena that occurs when the earth is between the Sun and Moon in perfect alignment, the earth casting a shadow over the Moon and turning it pinky-red as the alignment perfects. There are two of them this year, the other one is in November. Sadly this one wont be visible in the night sky in New Zealand, but can be seen over North and South America and parts of Antarctica and Europe.

It seems especially portentous that this Blood Moon is in Scorpio and tightly conjunct the South Node, potentially delving deep into some of Scorpio’s dark matter. It makes me think of vampires, demons, ghosts and creepy tales, dark nights, bonfires and the underworld. So before we look into how the other planets line up with this, here are some thoughts on Scorpio, Blood Moons and the Nodes.

Many of the earliest surviving omens that were collected by Mesopotamian Astrologers from as long ago as 2000 BCE, related to eclipses. The eclipses were interpreted as signs or omens, a kind of heavenly message sent by the gods to warn and guide the people. Omens were written on a clay tablet in the style of a formula, such as; if the moon is red, the king will lose his head.

So eclipses do not cause things to happen, they are signposts asking us to pay attention to something. And even if the omens are bad, like this one, they are essentially meant to be helpful. We can take evasive action.

As well as dire warnings about the beheading of the king, eclipses were understood by ancient astrologers to be very unfavourable times to start something; the business will go bankrupt, will be subject to penalties, easily ruined, and a stumbling block (Chris Brennan ~ Hellenistic Astrology). Despite cautions against doing anything at all during an eclipse, alignments with the nodes were not all bad. Eclipses however, were seen by ancient astrologers as an ominous and disturbing phenomena.

The Nodes are where the Luminaires cross paths, they represent the binding together of the Sun and Moon and the powerful relationship they have to each other as they merge, align and separate throughout their cycles. The North Node is the Ascending node, so the sign it is in, and it’s Lord will be rising and therefore said to be increasing in power and eminence, while the South Node is the Descending node, so it is decreasing in power and importance and so is whatever it touches, for better or worse.

Note that the Sun and North Node are currently in Taurus, while the Moon and South Node are in Scorpio, on the fixed sign axis, where change is methodical and slow. In a very general way we can see the dynamic between opposites like Venus and Mars, Sun and Moon, dark and light, masculine and feminine archetypes and so on. This is the fertile ground upon which this eclipse will play out. We cannot have one without honouring its opposite, or without somehow embodying the balance and interplay between them.

Where is Taurus in your chart? This part of your life is increasing in strength and prominence. Where is Scorpio? This part of your life is decreasing, diminishing or waning.

The Sun in mundane astrology since very ancient times, is connected to the King and royalty, while the people, or the public, are symbolised by the Moon. An eclipse traditionally predicts that someone rises to power, or falls from power, the people are adversely affected or benefited.

Scorpio is the Moon’s fall; we the people are at a disadvantage or unfavourably affected by events. Something is lost, left behind or taken away. People may see what has been hidden from them, or dig up something buried, either literally or figuratively. We may hide our real motives or conceal our true selves, or undertake something nefarious under cover of darkness.

Interpreted in a more internal way, this intense Scorpio Moon offers transformation through catharsis. Emotions are intense and can seethe with jealousy, resentment, suspicion, paranoia and rage. Addictions, obsessions and violence can rise within like a volcano. Actual volcanos cannot be ruled out either. This is Scorpio’s dark side. The light side consists of deep affections and loyalty, courage in the face of danger, a sharp eye for the truth and a pithy sense of humour.

Where is Scorpio in your chart? For example a catharsis could be a deep detox if it’s in the sixth house, or if the second house a radical clear out of old possessions that you no longer love; if the fifth house you may shed some friendships you no longer care about, or the seventh house; a relationship may end that should have ended a long time ago, or the tenth house; a career that you were once devoted to that suddenly seems pointless.

Whatever it is, let it go. If you find you can’t let it go (or make a dramatic sacrifice of it like burning it in the bonfire), look at what your attachment means or what it is telling you. These fixed signs are loyal and change does not happen easily. Sometimes the hooks of the past are so deep we don’t even know they are there, they just show up as addictions and repeating patterns.

So this is the perfect time to gently, with love and kindness, confront these shadowy ghosts. Shine a light in the darkness. Healing will follow as sure as day follows night. It is called shadow work by the Jungian School. And perhaps this is what we are doing on a collective level as well, facing up to our collective shadow and owning it.


In the context of the chart for the Lunar eclipse, there are other things going on, other alignments to consider, such as the ingress of Jupiter into Aries. The ingress of Jupiter into Aries deserves a separate post, however for now we can see that Jupiter moves into a new sign practically on the same day as the eclipse. As the fog clears, things are going to look rather new and different.

Rick Levine described Jupiter in Pisces as a psychedelic elephant, large and distracting. Jupiter in Aries is a loud, red elephant; bold and adventurous. In this sign Jupiter wants to sweep away everything that is not new and exciting. It is eager to start something.


Mercury, retrograde in Gemini moves into a sextile with this elephant, offering opportunities to translate thoughts and plans into actions, the bigger the better, even though these may seem to look backward rather than ahead. It could take while before we understand what we are seeing.

Mercury moves back into Taurus and makes a trine to Pluto, asking us to look deeper into it or read between the lines. Delays are certainly likely if you are working on a contract or deal of some sort. There is always a to-and-fro process going on behind the scenes with Mercury retrograde and this one is looking particularly tricky being on the cusp of Taurus. Nothing is going to be as straightforward or as practical as we expect.

With Mercury combust and then Cazimi on May 22 on the cusp of Gemini we may feel very indecisive about our choices and options. For those of us with Mercury the Lord of our rising, Sun or Moon sign, our brains will be scrambled, the clear, objective thinking that we pride ourselves on may not be possible. We may be stubbornly refusing to change our minds, then changing it at least ten times. This is Mercury the Trickster archetype at work and you will need a sense of humour.


Both Mars and Saturn have a part to play in the events surrounding the lunar eclipse on the 16th May. Mars and Neptune align in Pisces and form nice angles to the Sun, Moon and Nodes. Mars is Lord of the Moon, South Node and also Jupiter in Aries. He wants action. Saturn is in fixed sign Aquarius and forming a T-square to the Sun, Moon and Nodes. Saturn wants more time. Stalemate.

We could sum it up by saying the hopes and dreams we have been nurturing meet harsh reality. Mars and Neptune together have an aura of disappointment and discouragement, while Saturn seems to say no to the resources or support you were hoping for. Suddenly it may feel like it’s all too much.

Saturn says deadlock, stuck-ness and frustration to the changes promised by the eclipse. This is seriousness and self-doubt as a result of the eclipse triggering a realisation. But with the Eclipse; the Sun and North Node in Taurus, we need time to gather and nurture resources. The value of things can change suddenly in this climate of turmoil.

However these hold-ups or pivot points, represent a chance to get a better footing, square up your plans, or get a clearer understanding of the new rules before you start. Real, true and worthwhile dreams will wait for the right moment, which isn’t now.

Eclipses, as we noted already are not a good time to do big things or start something new. This will certainly be a confirmation for some that it is wise to wait this one out. Opportunities will come and go, not all of them are good for us.

I email out this comprehensive lunar forecast more in advance once a fortnight to my subscribers, along with personal astrological insights and information. If you would like to get this too you can subscribe here.



Anna Marie
Anna Marie

Written by Anna Marie

I have studied Astrology, Classics, Literature, Art and Philosophy all my life. Astrology is a divine oracle and speaks the language of the soul.

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